Saturday, June 6, 2009

Catching Up

So, we haven't updated for a while, so I think it's about time. Back in February, for Valentines Day, we went to Sun Valley. We had a great time, and we stayed in a little bed-n-breakfast. The next morning, we go out to the car to leave...
yup, that's a fox - we managed to get a picture of him as he stopped to look at us one more time before over the snow bank. This was in the MIDDLE OF TOWN!! I guess it's not really uncommon up there, but I don't ever remember seeing one that close unless I was driving and it was running by.

So, skipping forward to about three weeks ago, Steph and I were driving along by the old K-Mart (for those of you who know where that is) and this is what we saw at the new Maverick.

The Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile!! We couldn't resist taking a picture of it!

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